
Want to get ahead? Want to know how to influence and motivate a group? Want an edge on the competition?
The CentreStage Studios HK Public Speaking course is guaranteed to build students’ confidence and promote courage and conviction when speaking in public. The course coaches students to develop and to hone the necessary oral communication and written skills for public presentations, debating skills, interview techniques and promotes courage and conviction when delivering speeches to an audience.
All students will be given the opportunity to take a Speaking in Public LAMDA Examination .
透過 CentreStage 公開演說課程,增強在公開場合演講的勇氣和信心。課程將指導學員如何發展和鍛練公開演講技巧、辯論技巧和面試技巧。
所有學員於課程完完結後,將有機會參加 LAMDA 的公共演講考試。

Regular Class 恆常班 (由starting 7/9):
Date 日期:Every Thursday (逢星期四)
Time 時間 / Age 年齡:
6:00pm – 7:00pm (7 – 10 years old 歲)
7:00pm – 8:00pm (11 – 13 years old 歲)

Date 日期:Every Saturday (逢星期六)
Time 時間 / Age 年齡:
11:15am – 12:15pm (7 – 11 years old 歲)
Venue 地點:GX1
Fee 費用: HK$300 per class 每堂 (Member 會員)
HK$335 per class 每堂 (Guest 訪客)

Enrolment & Enquiries: 
Tel:2812 3945 / 5200 8010
Whatsapp:5200 8010



Mar 01 2023 - May 01 2025


8:00 am
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