1. 此HK$50消費券不可轉讓或兌換現金。 This HK$50 dining voucher is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
2. 此HK$50消費券適用於所有餐飲消費(包括食品和飲料,不包括服務費)。 This HK$50 dining voucher is applicable for all dining expenses (including food and beverages, excluding service charges).
3. 此HK$50消費券可與其他HK$50餐飲券累積使用。 This HK$50 dining voucher can be accumulated for use with other HK$50 dining vouchers.
4. 此HK$50消費券不適用於結算服務費、母親節和父親節。 This HK$50 dining voucher cannot be used to settle service charges or on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
5. 若消費金額超過餐飲券面額,超過金額須由會員自行支付。 If the total bill exceeds the value of the dining voucher, the remaining amount must be paid by the member.
6. 消費券有效期為發放日期起3個日曆月後的最後一天。未使用的消費券將於到期日自動失效。 The dining voucher is valid until the last day of the calendar month that is 3 months after the date of issuance. Unused vouchers will automatically expire on the expiry date.
7. 此消費券不適用於宴會酒席和罕見美酒。 This dining voucher is not applicable for banquet dinners and fine & rare wines.
8. 如有任何爭議,陽明山莊管理層對消費券的使用具有最終決定權。 In case of any disputes, the management of Hong Kong Parkview has the final decision-making authority regarding the use of the dining voucher.