French Open Social

Date 日期:25/05/2024 (Saturday 星期六)
Time 時間:3:30pm – 6:00pm
Fee 費用: HK$200 (Member 會員)/ HK$ 250 (Guest 訪客)
Deadline Date 截止報名日期:20/05/2024 (Monday 星期一), 5pm

-Maximum to 12 Players 最多12名參與者
-Random pairings each round 每輪隨機配對
-Priority will be given to doubles, followed by singles depending on the number of sign-ups 名額優先分配雙打,再以報名人數分配單打

A great way to get to know and play with other members. All level are welcome.

Enrolment & Enquiries: 
Tel:2812 3945 / 5200 8010
Whatsapp:5200 8010



3 月 01 2023 - 5 月 01 2028


8:00 am
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