Sports Foundation

Sports foundation is a fun and engaging way to build your child’s athletic ability using a wide variety of athletic movements and elements borrowed from multiple sports. Your child will learn the ABC’s (Agility, Balance, Coordination) which are required in EVERY SINGLE SPORT through fun movement based games and activities.
Coaches will instil values such as discipline, concentration, teamwork and sportsmanship in a fun and safe environment. These classes are an ideal way to improve your child’s athletic ability and will help them to achieve more success in any other sports they choose to play or currently play.


Regular Class
Date日期: Every Monday 逢星期一
Time 時間 / Age 年齡:
3:30pm – 4:15pm (5 – 8 years old 歲)

Date日期: Every Wednesday 逢星期三
Time 時間 / Age 年齡:
9:00am – 9:45am (2 – 4 years old 歲)
10:30am – 11:15am (2 – 4 years old 歲)
3:30 pm – 4:15pm (2 – 4 years old 歲)
5:00pm – 6:00pm (5 – 8 years old 歲)

Date日期: Every Thursday 逢星期四
Time 時間 / Age 年齡:
3:30pm – 4:15pm (2 – 4 years old 歲)
5:00pm – 6:00pm (5 – 8 years old 歲)

Date日期: Every Saturday 逢星期六
Time 時間 / Age 年齡:
10:30am – 11:15am (2 – 4 years old 歲)

Venue 地點:Multi-purpose Court 多元化活動室
Fee 費用:
45 mins 分鐘: HK$240 per class 每堂(Member 會員)
60 mins 分鐘: HK$320 per class 每堂(Member 會員)

Enrolment & Enquiries: 
Tel:2812 3945 / 5200 8010
Whatsapp:5200 8010



Mar 01 2023 - May 01 2028


8:00 am
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