Exclusive Members Privilege: Indulge In Unparalleled Luxuryat Hotel Éclat Beijing And Hotel Éclat Taipei!

Dear Esteemed Members,

Prepare to immerse yourself in a world of opulence and refined elegance as we unveil an extraordinary privilege crafted exclusively for you. We are delighted to present an unparalleled opportunity to experience the epitome of luxury at Hotel Eclat Beijing and Hotel Eclat Taipei, members of the Small Luxury Hotel group. Ranked 2nd and 18th on TripAdvisor, they have captured the hearts of discerning travellers worldwide.

As a distinguished member of Hong Kong Parkview, we are pleased to extend the following exceptional benefit:
Unmatched Lowest Rate Guarantee: Indulge in peace of mind knowing that you will always receive the lowest rate available. Our commitment to you ensures that our members enjoy the most favourable rates of up to 20% less compared to any online travel agency (OTA) platform. Rest assured, you will receive ultimate value for your stay.
Prepare to be enveloped in a world of refined extravagance as you step into lavish accommodation, adorned with exquisite artwork and thoughtfully curated design. Delight in personalised service, where every detail is meticulously crafted to cater to your discerning tastes and preferences.

To enjoy this unparalleled members privilege and secure your reservation, our dedicated concierge team awaits your call at 2812 3713 / 2812 3931. They will ensure a seamless booking experience, tailoring every aspect to your desires and preferences.

Thank you for your unwavering loyalty to Hong Kong Parkview. We remain dedicated to providing you with exclusive privileges and unforgettable experiences.

Hotel Éclat Beijing: No. 9, DongDaQiao Road, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing 100020
Hotel Éclat Taipei: No. 370, Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Road, Da-an District, Taipei City, Taiwan

  • Bookings must be made via the jot form
  • Bookings must be made in the member’s name
  • Member must present their valid membership card at time of check-in
Offer Enquiries: 
Tel:2812 3952 / 2812 3713
Whatsapp:5200 8011
Email:[email protected]
Others:Enquiries Form

Hotel Details:

Address: No. 9, DongDaQiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R. China
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 86-10-8561-2888 ext: 2865/2867
Website: www.eclathotels.com/beijing

Address: No. 370, Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Road, Da-an District, Taipei City
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 886-2-2784-8118
Website: www.eclathotels.com/taipei


Feb 07 2024 - Sep 26 2025


8:00 am
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